Our Properties


Wallaroo’ is a 38 hectare property at Mulgoa purchased with assistance from the Australian Government and the NSW Nature Conservation Trust in early 2016.

‘Wallaroo’ protects critically endangered Cumberland Plain Woodland, Cumberland Riverflat Eucalypt Forest and six species of endangered wildlife.

Wallaroo is a former grazing property and contains significant areas of exotic vegetation as well as other areas in need of weed and feral animal management. This site is the focus of our restoration efforts and community engagement. CLC have recently installed an equipment shed and toilet and we run regular volunteer working bees, wildlife surveys and education events at the site.


‘Thornbill’ at Agnes Banks protects 2.2 hectares of bushland in Sydney’s north west. The property forms part of a key corridor between the woodland on Western Sydney University’s Richmond Campus and the Agnes Banks Nature Reserve.

This acquisition assisted by the Australian Government and the NSW Nature Conservation Trust protects Critically Endangered Cumberland Plain Shale Woodlands and Shale-Gravel Transition Forest; the endangered Cumberland Plain Land Snail (Meridolum corneovirens) and the vulnerable Dillwynia tenuifolia.


‘Marsdenia’ at Llandilo protects 3.75 ha of high conservation bushland and part of a key corridor between the Wianamatta Regional Park and the Wianamatta Nature Reserve. It was acquired in 2017 with assistance of the Australian Government and NSW Nature Conservation Trust.

The site protects Critically Endangered Cumberland Plain Shale Woodlands with unusually high species richness and numerous threatened flora. Preliminary surveys have already identified:

  • Cumberland Plain Land Snail (Meridolum corneovirens) (Endangered, NSW)
  • A large population of Grevillea juniperina subsp. juniperina (Vulnerable, NSW)
  • A large population of Marsdenia viridiflora var. viridiflora (Endangered population NSW)
  • A single individual of Pultenaea parviflora (Endangered, NSW; Vulnerable Federal)

The site is located within the Richmond Woodlands Key Biodiversity Area (KBA) which protects the critically endangered Regent Honeyeater and Swift Parrot.


The 4.5 hectare property ‘Wombat‘ was gifted by a corporate donor in early 2018 and forms a key link between Blue Mountains National Park and Mulgoa Nature Reserve.

These east-west links are critical to the annual migration of Scarlet, Flame and Rose Robins, which migrate from the Blue Mountains to the fertile Cumberland Plain each winter.

The site includes endangered Shale Sandstone Transition Forest, the endangered Dural Land Snail (Pommerhelix duralensis) the largest known population of the regionally rare wattle Acacia prominens, and a recent find of the uncommon vine Marsdenia Rostrata.